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Plush backpacks of a gryphon and a red border collie sitting in some pumpkins with a werewolf plushie

No Tricks, All Treats! Updates from LittleSofts on this Spooktastic Day!

No Tricks, All Treats! Updates from LittleSofts on this Spooktastic Day!

LittleSofts' Reckoning: Plans for EVEN BETTER Plushies!

On this spooktastic day, here at LittleSofts we are having a reckoning!

It's a new year soon and I want to redo our plushies to be better, softer, more huggable, better quality, the nicest faux fur... all of it! 

We're coming up on the three year anniversary of our shop opening soon, and I am very happy with all of our progress! However, I still have so many plush left over from when I was newer to making plushies, and I want them all adopted out to loving homes so we can bring in newer, better plushie pals. 

Snug-Alongs wrapped up!!! It was so much more messy for our team than we expected. The manufacturer really rushed production (I did NOT request it!!) and it led to a lot of issues. Luckily, only a small percentage of defective backpacks made it to you folks (by accident, of course!), but only because we put in so many more hours of work grading than is usually necessary. There are so many more parts that need quality checking on a plush backpack than on a regular plush!!

  Have you seen our new Snug-Alongs pre-shipment inspection video?

Thank goodness only one batch of backpacks was really troubled... our poor pal Peanut Raccoon. Due to the mistakes, we've totally run out of A-grade Peanuts already, only a few months in. Hopefully we can restock him one day, but for now, please go check out his B-grade listing, if you want a discount Peanut! My poor blueberry bandit.

Fortunately, B-Grades make for fun sewing projects and can be fixed up into wonderful backpacks for travel or plushies to be snuggle companions!

Our new plush brush makes fixing up your LittleSofts plushies a breeze!

More Snug-Alongs?!

Maybe you've heard, but the SNUG-ALONGS: SERIES 2 preview page is UP NOW!! Part of LittleSofts' big reckoning is looking into making this series EVEN BETTER than the first. Not only do I want them to be the best backpacks ever, but I don't want to have to dig through our stock to find perfect ones again. I WANT THEM ALL TO BE PERFECT!!! We're checking out all our options, and have a few surprises up our sleeves to make this the best campaign ever.

Wolves and Raptor Plushies Will be on the Way Soon!

BigHugs weighted plush of Wolfgang the dark grey wolf and Biscuit the white wolf sitting in the trees

In other news, the Biscuit and Wolfgang BIG HUGS weighted pillow plush should be shipping to us soon and we hope to have them shipped in time for the holidays! Rainbow Raptor Bakery should be fulfilling in January as well! We are getting them all out there!!!

Our Newest Addition: Wolfgang the Werewoof!

Plush toy of Wolfgang the werewolf with blue hair and a blue denim vest surrounded by fall leaves

Speaking of Wolfgang, please check out his Werewolf (Werewoof!) Form. And keep your eyes peeled (in a creepy Halloweeny way) for our final shop drop of 2024. MWUAHAHAHAHA!!! (creepy Halloween lightning flash, and I mysteriously vanish!)

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