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LittleSofts Originals

Meet Sunny Pup, our hardworking mascot, and his friends in the LittleSofts Originals collection! Explore a delightful selection of plush toys, neck pillows, and more! 

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About LittleSofts Originals

Who is Sunny Pup?

Sunny Pup is our hard-working mascot here at LittleSofts. When he's not busy hauling boxes or packing orders, he's replying to emails and posting photos.

How are your plush made?

We design each plush and work with patternmakers for months to perfect each shape. They are lovingly manufactured by our partners in Shanghai in high-standard workplaces. We are very close with our manufacturing partners, and we have worked together with for many years. Your plush are being created in a great environment!

What are your plush made out of?

Each plush toy description provides detailed information about the materials and fabrics used in its construction. We use high-quality materials and soft fabrics for comfort and durability.